The story of Negro League Baseball
by Kadir Nelson
Originally baseball started with mixed race teams but by the early 1900’s team owners had dropped their Negro players creating a Caucasian league. In the early days of baseball during the late 19th Century, any good player could join a team. Then as baseball became more organized, team owners got together and the Negros were pushed out of the leagues.
But the Negro players were not to be denied and this book explores the history of the Negro league, its founders and great players. A wonderful supplement to African-American History, a sports unit for any class or as additional credit, this narrative will delight readers with the stories, facts and illustrations.
Standards: Louisiana H-1A-M2: Demonstrating historical perspective on political, social and economic context through which an event or idea occurred. H-1A-M3: Analyzing the impact that specific individuals, events or ideas had on the course of history. H-1B-M18: Discussing issues and developments in contemporary US History.
Awards: ALA Notable Children’s Book
Coretta Scott King Award
Reviews: Booklist [starred] (January 2009)
Kirkus [starred] (January 2009)
Age Range: 9 to adult
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